Process Plant Inspection
Course Description

Facing competitive industry and strong global competition, it is critical that organizations gain the most from their equipment and plant, while protecting their life expectancies and reliability for return on investment. Plant operators can be stretched when challenged with unforeseen problems or when time-investment is required for long-term planning. The key is to identify the most cost-effective practical solutions using state-of-the-art assessment tools and techniques, while using Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) methodologies to protect workers and the environment.
This practical but detailed GiRD course provides participants with an essential understanding of the engineering and management principles of plant inspection.

Target Audience

Participants wishing to gain an overview and understanding of plant inspection needs, techniques and requirements. Those working in operations, maintenance, commissioning and risk management, from planners and technicians through to engineers, contractors, supervisors and managers, will benefit from this course. This GiRD course is also suitable for those working in other industries/functions and wishing to transfer into plant inspection and seek a greater understanding.

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Process Plant Inspection