Mechanical Engineering For Non Mechanical Engineers
Course Description

This GiRD course provides non-mechanical engineers and other professionals with an introduction into the core subject areas of mechanical engineering. Engineering as a profession is becoming increasingly multi-disciplinary, and is also combining with other professions. People can find themselves working with mechanical engineers, without understanding the technical language or the key engineering principles.

This GiRD course focuses on the traditional mechanical engineering subject areas. It covers design, statics (stationary objects), dynamics (things that move), fluids (gases and liquids) and other general subjects. The theory covers the terminology and the basic laws that underpin each topic. A better understanding of the precise use of terms can help improve communication with mechanical engineers, and participation in mechanical engineering projects. For example, we discuss the difference between ‘gauge’ and ‘absolute’ pressure, and why that matters.

This GiRD course covers a broad range of mechanical engineering subjects. The subjects are explained with examples of engineering applications, with a range of exercises to enhance understanding and support learning. Comprehensive references are provided for participants who would like to further their learning on any specific topic in further detail.

Target Audience

This GiRD course is designed for professionals who work alongside mechanical engineers or in organizations where mechanical engineering is an important part of their business. It is also beneficial for those who wish to broaden their knowledge base and gain a practical insight into the subject.

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Mechanical Engineering For Non Mechanical Engineers