High Impact Internal Audit Leadership
Course Description

Today’s chief audit executives, their deputies and internal audit managers need to work closely with business leaders, boards, audit committees, peers and their own audit teams. Now more than ever, leadership, stakeholder relations and influencing skills are becoming as important as managing a team, planning and delivering insightful internal audit assurance and consulting engagements.

This GiRD course focuses on the various challenges and opportunities internal audit leaders face and shows how audit leaders can make a contribution at a strategic level, clearly adding value and also enhancing productivity in the audit process.

This clear, practical and interactive GiRD course will help participants improve their awareness and skills and help them become a better internal audit leader who delivers impactful and insightful internal audit work that can make a strategic difference to their organization.

Target Audience

Chief audit executives, deputy heads of audit, internal audit managers and senior internal auditors who deal with business leaders and/or lead or manage members of the internal audit team. This course is equally valuable for both in-house and outsourced internal audit teams.

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High Impact Internal Audit Leadership