Certified Cyber Security
Course Description
This GiRD course will provide participants with in-depth knowledge and practical skills to plan, deliver and monitor IT/cyber security to internal and external clients encompassing a complete, conjoined set of disciplines in the areas of IT policies, Security-Operational-Run-Book, security/penetration testing, ethical hacking and black hat hacking.
It will also cover WiFi security, Website security, human factors, cyber forensics, cyber security team management, and Secure Operations Center (SOC) and Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) infrastructures.
As part of the GiRD course, participants will conduct a risk assessment of two different deployments based on the ISO27001 to identify any direct or indirect threats, security exposures, or potentials for vulnerabilities. Participants will also respond to an example security incident and identify the best practices which could be applied to secure their own organization, and associated assets. All participants will be given copies of Run Books to deal with cyber extortions, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS/DoS) and forensic investigations.
Target Audience
IT professionals, security professionals, auditors, site administrators, general management and anyone tasked with managing and protecting the integrity of the network infrastructure. This also includes anyone already familiar and involved with IT/cyber/digital security and seeking to build on their fundamental principles of security.