Building an Award Winning Service Culture
Course Description

The fact that successful organizations also have the most satisfied customers makes intuitive sense; and finding examples of such organizations is a simple matter. Names like Apple, Harley Davidson, Singapore Airlines and Emirates Airlines pop up immediately into mind. But which came first, the successful organization or the happy customer?

Unlike in the proverbial chicken and egg story, there is strong evidence that in the case of organizations and customers, one definitely has to come before the other. Peter Drucker, the father of modern management, said it best: “The result of any business is a satisfied (external) customer”. Drucker and other influential business thinkers clearly showed us where to direct our efforts.

It is by building a customer-centric culture first that an organization will develop the products, processes and services customers want, which will in turn result in a successful world-class organization. By taking inspiration from the most companies and customer service gurus of modern times, this GiRD course will show you how to create this coveted ‘award winning’ service culture.

Target Audience

This GiRD course is designed to help people of authority such as managers, supervisors and all decision-makers, at all levels of the organization, create a customer focused atmosphere in line with the scope of their responsibilities.
Whether you are concerned with the external or the internal customer, this GiRD course is for you. Whether you work for, own or manage a private for profit organization, a non-profit government services institution or anything in between, this GiRD course is for you.

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Building an Award Winning Service Culture